CDRO is ready to deploy to serve your community's needs at a moment's notice. Regardless of the threat, hazard, or risk, we have the capability and capacity to deploy expert All Hazards Incident Management Teams to fulfill functional roles as required.
Mobilize an All-Hazard Incident Management Team to establish command, control, and coordination structures within the affected community to manage impacts and maintain operations throughout the situation.
Establish, facilitate, and maintain virtual or remote command centers for strategic, operational, and tactical decision-making by collecting, evaluating, and disseminating critical information.
By embedding strong leadership values and vision during good times, organizations can maintain alignment, motivation, and loyalty during crises through effective leadership training.
Deploy virtually or on-site to assist authorities with command center operations, ensuring comprehensive situational awareness and a common operating picture for effective decision-making.
AARs and CAPs are evaluation tools that identify and compile performance and planning issues, engaging participants to ensure successes are institutionalized and areas for improvement have a corrective action plan.